Complete, cross-platform solution

FFmpeg – fast audio and video converter that can also grab data from live stream. By using Xabe.FFmpeg, developer is also able to use all of the FFmpeg features directly from the code.

This approach has a lot of advantages:

  • Xabe.FFmpeg is a cross-platform. It works on every system that supports .NET Core, it does not matter if it is Windows, Mac, or Linux operation system
  • Possibility to use bulit-in snippets for most common uses
  • Human-readable output data
  • User can pass arguments directly from FFmpeg (for advanced users)
  • Make changes only on particular streams (audio, video, or subtitles)
  • Automatic download of required executables for different operating systems
  • Xabe.FFmpeg has an accessible and extensive technical documentation
  • Solution is free for every non-commercial project!

Do you need more features?
Read our technical documentation!

C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe

Find 6 files to convert.

[00:00:01/00:02:01][1%] byger-2421244-liten.avi

[00:00:03/00:02:01][2%] byger-2421244-liten.avi

[00:00:04/00:02:01][7%] byger-2421244-liten.avi

[00:00:05/00:02:01][24%] byger-2421244-liten.avi

[00:00:15/00:02:01][46%] byger-2421244-liten.avi